On the occasion of the Vietnamese Women Day 20/10, in order to show honor to Women as well as bring more joy and increase utilities for depositors at Eximbank, from October 20, 2010 to November 11, 2010,
Eximbank will give attractive presents namely: bonus points and Panasonic rice cookers for depositors at Eximbank.
VND depositors of VND200 million and upwards joining the product “Savings with optional interest payment term”, with 1-month interest payment term, are entitled to receive immediately attractive presents as follows:
Bonus point:Applicable to deposit of VND200 million to below VND8 billion..
For every VND70 million deposited in each account, customers are entitled to receive immediately 01 bonus point..
The more customers deposit, the more bonus points they can get..
For 100 bonus points, customers are entitled to convert them into a gift worth one tenth of a tael.
Presents of 01 deluxe Panasonic rice cooker and 100 bonus points (equivalent to one tenth of a tael): .
Applicable to deposit of VND8 billion and upwards.
- The deposit amount entitled to a rice cooker or bonus points is calculated on each account, instead of accumulation of accounts.
- Customers are entitled to 01 deluxe Panasonic rice cooker at the maximum, and are not limited to the number of bonus points per account they can receive.
Interest rates: 0.15% p.a. higher than normal savings interest rates.
banking units of Eximbank nationwide Call Center, Tel: 08.39151515