/Eximbank solutions provide customer support for trading with Forex & Gold
Trade SJC gold bars online
Assured of quality
Fast and simple procedure
Security, safety
Information updated continuously
Gold trading
Meet the gold bar buying and selling needs of all individual customers.
Buying and selling procedures are quick and simple
Competitive gold bar prices
Peace of mind about gold quality
Forward exchange transactions (Forward)
Effective tool to prevent exchange rate fluctuation risks.
The exchange rate is determined
Flexible term
Quick procedure
Spot Forex Trading (Spot)
Transactions of buying and selling a quantity of foreign currency between Eximbank and the Customer at the spot exchange rate at the time of transaction. Simple, convenient and safe transactions Competitive transaction rates Customers do not have to pay transaction fees
Buy and sell foreign currency face
Services provided by Eximbank help customers meet their foreign currency trading needs.
Simple procedures
Rest assured about legality
Customers do not have to pay transaction fees
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Do you need direct advice at a branch/transaction office?