What is Eximbank Loyalty?
Eximbank Loyalty is the name of Eximbank's Loyalty Program. When using Eximbank products/services, you will accumulate bonus points to redeem gifts, upgrade your Membership as well as enjoy many privileges and attractive incentive programs according to each separate classification.
Accumulate bonus points
Product investment
Cumulative application service
Send Eximbank to customers for online services
Private Eximbank programs open during the period
Thousands of attractive gifts
Enjoy endless offers
Priority is given to transactions at the counter

Membership classification
The customer's Loyalty rating will be based on the customer's accumulated points during the ranking period
According to accumulated points
From 0 to 199 points
From 200 to 999 points
From 1,000 points or more
Reference information
Customers can redeem reward points at the following channels
- Eximbank EDigi
- Eximbank's nearest transaction point
- Hotline 24/7: 1900 6655