/Flexible solution for transferring and receiving money with diverse methods and competitive limits

Combo Savings for studying abroad
Preferential and cost-saving product packages serve the need to transfer money to pay for tuition and living expenses abroad through a network of agent banks covering the globe.
The registration procedure is easy and quick
Up to 50% discount on money transfer fees & unlimited number of money transfers for studying abroad
Competitive rates & incentives

Transfer money within Eximbank system
Services provided by Eximbank help customers transfer money within Vietnam
Sign up easily and quickly
Diverse transaction channels
No limit on transfer amount

24/7 interbank money transfer received by account number
Register for Eximbank Online Banking
Free for the first year
Easy to activate
Get money quickly

24/7 interbank money transfer received by card number
Register for Eximbank Online Banking
Free for the first year
Easy to activate
Get money fast

24/7 interbank money transfer with VietQR code scanning feature
Register for Eximbank Online Banking
Free for full year
Easy to activate
Get money fast
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