Nice account number

The number is as beautiful as desired, bringing wealth and fortune

Outstanding benefits

Product information

Send require

Frequently asked questions


Super short number

Only 4 numbers or more


Rich number warehouse

Beautiful number accounts with 4 numbers, or 6 numbers, or 7 numbers, or 8 numbers, or 9 numbers, or 10 numbers, or 12 numbers; variety of lucky numbers, lucky numbers, repeating numbers, progressive numbers, identical numbers, mirror numbers, three-flower numbers, four-quarter numbers, five-quarter numbers, six-flower numbers, mixed numbers


Simple, fast

Easy to open and use an account

Product information

Nice number on EDigi

Quick possession

Beautiful variety of numbers

Receive first, pay later up to 30 days

  • Accordingly, when opening a beautiful number account on Eximbank EDigi, please pay the beautiful number fee within 30 days from the date of opening.
  • And from June 6, 2023, Eximbank will deploy a program to automatically close beautiful digital accounts opened on Eximbank EDigi, if customers do not pay fees within 30 days from the date of
  • Fee for choosing a good account number: According to Eximbank's fee schedule announced from time to time
  •  opening.
Immediately own an account that shows your personality

Immediately own an account that shows your personality

Why should you open an account at Eximbank?


Have an account in 1 minute

Immediately own an Eximbank account when opening an eKYC account on EDigi application


Multi-channel transactions

Meet the different needs of customer groups, conveniently transact anytime, anywhere


Unlimited offers

Enjoy thousands of incentives for existing customers when opening an account


Nice number as expected

Get the account you want, choose the account that shows your personality with many beautiful numbers

Submit a request for account product consultation
Submit a request so we can advise you on the most suitable account type.

Frequently asked questions

Can I pay for electricity, water, telephone, internet, cable TV through an account at Eximbank?
What is fingerprint authentication service?
The transaction was not successful but the account was deducted, what should I do to get a refund?

Other account products
