Eximbank's announcement


Trendy payment method from pioneering technology Samsung Pay with Eximbank

Since December 28, 2018, Eximbank officially deployed the payment utility using Samsung Pay application at POS for domestic debit cards (V-TOP) issued by Eximbank.
Samsung Pay is an application exclusively for Samsung smartphones, using card encryption technology and modern payment methods to help customers integrate card information into smartphones and pay quickly and securely. at most points of sale globally by touching your smartphone on the POS machine instead of using a card.
In addition to the current physical card payment methods, with the development of technology towards diversifying payment methods and shortening payment operations, you will have new experiences when using this method. Trendy payment method from pioneering Samsung Pay technology: instead of always having to carry a physical card and use it to swipe when paying, now you just need to integrate the card into the Samsung Pay application and touch the POS. pay.

For detailed information about the service, please contact the nearest Branches/Transaction Offices or contact Eximbank's Hotline 18001199 for support.

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