
Eximbank's announcement


Notify service interruptions for annual IT system conversion exercises

Notification of service interruption to rehearse IT system conversion
year by year

In order to ensure the continuous operation of the Information Technology system and comply with banking industry regulations on ensuring continuous operation, Eximbank will conduct annual exercises on testing system conversion. IT system between the Bank's Main Data Center and Backup Data Center.
Therefore, Eximbank respectfully informs Customers about the temporary interruption of the Bank's transaction services, including 2 phases as follows:
Phase 1: From 02:00 on Saturday, June 23, 2018 to 04:30 on Saturday, June 23, 2018.
Phase 2: From 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 23, 2018 to 0:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 24, 2018.

During this time, some customer transactions at Eximbank will not be possible, including:
Payment transactions/online balance lookup on the Internet Banking system
Payment transactions/online balance lookup on Mobile Banking system
Card transactions on Eximbank's ATMs.
Card transactions via other banks' systems (on ATM, POS)

During the service suspension period, or after the system conversion rehearsal process, if you need any support, please contact the switchboard via phone number: 1800 1199 for service. .
Eximbank sincerely apologizes to customers for any inconvenience arising from the interruption of banking services during the above period. We hope to receive your understanding.
Sincerely thank you!

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