Eximbank's announcement


Eximbank shares are out of the warning area

On April 2, 2018, Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE) announced "Removing Eximbank shares from the warning area from April 4, 2018".
According to HOSE, Eximbank has overcome the cause that led to the stock being placed on warning according to the provisions of Clause 4.2, Article 22 of the Securities Listing Regulations at HOSE issued with Decision No. 85/QD-SGDHCM dated September 19. March 2018 (escape from accumulated losses).
Previously, in January 2018, Mr. Le Van Quyet - General Director of Eximbank shared that in 2017, the continuous decline in total assets from previous years was stopped and gradually grew steadily. expected to reach approximately the general growth rate of the entire industry. Eximbank's main business targets for the year all met and exceeded the plan, especially pre-tax profit reached more than 1,000 billion VND, 2.5 times higher than 2016 and over 167% of the plan. The accumulated losses and trading warnings that the stock exchange has imposed on EIB shares over the past two years will soon be removed.

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