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Eximbank gives gifts to poor students in Hai Duong

As part of a series of community volunteer programs that have been maintained by the Bank over the past time, to help children in particularly difficult circumstances go to school, representatives of Eximbank attended and presented gifts. Meaningful gifts for students at Truong Thanh Primary School in Truong Thanh commune, Thanh Ha District, Hai Duong Province.

In the jubilant atmosphere of the opening of the 2019 - 2020 school year across the country, on the morning of September 5, 2019, Eximbank attended the opening ceremony of the new school year with teachers and 185 students of Truong Thanh Primary School in Ho Chi Minh City. Hai Duong Province. Coming to the ceremony, with the desire to strengthen the spirit of determination to overcome difficulties and continue writing academic achievements for the new school year, Eximbank awarded 10 bicycles to 10 disabled and orphaned students. , has a particularly difficult family situation and 10 gifts for 10 students from poor families who have the will to study well.

185 students of Truong Thanh Primary School solemnly held the flag-raising ceremony at the beginning of the school year

With a deep awareness of community responsibility as well as maintaining the culture that has been strongly promoted at Eximbank for many years, in 2019, the Bank still actively contributes to social activities. The practical association revolves around 3 priority areas: Education, Environment and community health care. With the gift of 10 bicycles and 10 meaningful gifts to support children in alleviating difficulties, Eximbank and Bank employees always try their best and aim to make a difference in each activity that contributes to the development of children. general development of the social community with the enthusiastic participation of each Eximbank employee.

Ms. Trinh Thi Hai Yen - Head of Eximbank Representative Office in Hanoi presented 10 bicycles to Ms. Vu Thi Ngoc Hoa - Principal of Truong Thanh Primary School

Hand-delivering each gift and learning about the circumstances of poor students with disabilities in remote areas, each Eximbank officer understands that there are still many families in difficult circumstances who are in dire need of help and support. Greater and more frequent support. "We will take advantage of the opportunity to call for funding from the Bank and at the same time call on officials to contribute funds to have more gifts and meaningful trips like that. Wishing everyone a successful new school year. Achieve many good results, become useful citizens for society, wish the teachers good health and confidence to lead the children on the path of "earning knowledge" - Eximbank representative said.

Previously, Eximbank conducted a survey and supported people in Cang Cao village to build a 1km long concrete road with a total value of more than 100 million VND. At the program, the unit handed over the concrete road so people could continue to complete it and put it into use. This is a meaningful and practical activity, demonstrating the spirit of solidarity of Eximbank staff working together to help people in difficult areas have better conditions to trade goods and develop. economic development.

Besides business activities, community-oriented and community-based activities have become one of the cultural features that have been strongly maintained and promoted at Eximbank throughout the years. In 2017 - 2019, Eximbank actively participated in social security activities such as: donating blood for the community, supporting Can Tho City People's Committee to build great solidarity houses for poor households; Supporting the construction of great solidarity houses in Long Vinh, Go Cong Tay, Tien Giang communes; program of giving warm coats and bringing Tet to highland children; visited heroic Vietnamese mothers and organized programs for orphans at Dieu Phap Pagoda; giving Mid-Autumn Festival gifts to children in Kien Giang province, visiting and paying tribute to Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, families of martyrs in Hoa Binh province,...

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