
Eximbank's announcement


Eximbank adjusted Internet Banking service fees from July 24, 2015

Eximbank respectfully announces:
From July 24, 2015, Eximbank adjusted Internet Banking service fees, accordingly: Eximbank's Internet Banking service has 2 service packages for individual customers:

Transaction package (E-Plus) with fee: 99,000 VND/year, and

FIRST 3 MONTHS FREE when registering new.
Query package (E-Standard) with fee: 49,000 VND/year.
Applies uniformly to all individual customers (including newly registered customers and customers who have used Eximbank's Internet Banking service)

When registering and using Eximbank's Internet Banking service, customers will be advised by Eximbank on service fees:

For new registered customers: Eximbank will advise customers immediately upon registration, and collect fees on the day of service registration.
For customers who have previously used the free E-Standard query package: Eximbank will notify customers as soon as they log in to Eximbank's Internet Banking.

If the customer wishes to continue using the query service package: Please select "Continue to use", 10 days later Eximbank will collect the fee.
If customers need to switch to using the transaction package: Please contact the nearest Eximbank transaction points.

Customers will receive the first 3 months FREE when registering for Internet Banking service with the E-Plus Transaction package.

For more detailed information, please contact:

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