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Easily REGISTER for VnTopup mobile recharge just by sending SMS to 8149
Mobile subscription top-up service (VnTopup)
VnTopup service at Eximbank is a service to top up prepaid and postpaid mobile phone accounts via SMS from mobile phone to 8049, the amount is deducted directly from the customer's personal account at Eximbank. .
Benefits of VnTopup:
Customers can recharge mobile subscriptions for many people:
Recharge yourself and/or
Deposit money for others
Customers can recharge mobile subscriptions of the following telecommunications networks:
Top up prepaid mobile subscriptions: all telecommunications networks.
Top up postpaid mobile subscriptions: Viettel, Mobifone.
Customers can recharge mobile phones through many channels:
Send SMS to 8049. To use the mobile recharge service via SMS, customers need to register to use VnTopup, and activate successfully, before texting to recharge.
In addition, customers can top up their mobile phones on Eximbank's Internet Banking or Mobile Banking, without needing to register for the service, just need to have Eximbank's Internet Banking or Mobile Banking.
2.1. Register for the service via SMS to 8149
Customers register for VnTopup by sending SMS to 8149, do as follows:
Register quickly, simply, easily within a few seconds, just need an unlimited account number. Compose a message with the syntax < EIB VNTOPUP [Sotaikhoan] > send to 8149, in which:
The phone number sending the message has been registered for SMS Banking with Eximbank, and
Account number is the customer's registered SMS Banking account number: 15 digits, and
This phone number has not registered for VnTopup service before.
The system automatically registers VnTopup for customers, sending feedback messages to customers when they register successfully.
Eximbank: Customers have signed up for VnTopup service - mobile phone payment. Please reply: OK to 8049 to activate the service. Ho tro: 1900555577
Customers can recharge their mobile phones by sending SMS to 8049, immediately after successfully activating the service.
Instructions for registering for VnTopup service by SMS to 8149
2.2. Register online service on Internet Banking
Customers log in to the Internet Banking page and register according to the following instructions:
Instructions for registering for VnTopup service on Internet Banking.
2.3. Register at the nearest Eximbank Branches and Transaction Offices
Customers bring their ID card when registering for services at Eximbank's transaction points.
3.1. Activate Vntopup service:
After successfully registering for VnTopup service on Internet Banking or at the transaction counter, customers will receive an SMS notification with the following content:
"Customers have successfully signed up for the VnTopup service. To activate the news service: OK {Password} call 8049. Phone number 1900555577."
Content |
Syntax of message sent to 8149 |
Activate without using a password | OK |
Activation using password | OK {Pasword} |
Set a new password | MK NOP NewPassword |
Change password | MK Oldpassword NewPassword |
Cancel password | MK Oldpassword NOP |
♦ Note:
{Password}: Is a character string chosen by the customer, including letters and/or numbers and an unlimited number of characters. Not required, set by the customer when activating the service
3.2. Text SMS to 8049 to top up your mobile phone:
- After successful activation, customers receive an SMS notification with the following content:
"Stimulate payment activities. To receive payment information: "NAP MenhGia SoDT MatKhau" call 8049. Menh Gia: VN10,VN20,VN30,VN50,VN100,VN200,VN300,VN500. Phone number: 1900555577."
Nội dung |
Cú pháp tin nhắn gửi 8149 |
Nạp cho chính số thuê bao của mình | NAP MệnhGiá MậtKhẩu |
Nạp tiền cho thuê bao khác |
NAP MệnhGiá Sốđiệnthoại Mậtkhẩu Hoặc: BAN MệnhGiá Sốđiệnthoại Mậtkhẩu |
NAP, BAN: These are keywords of the service.
Phone number: Is the phone number to be recharged.
Denomination Price: Is the deposit denomination: Types of denominations are specified as follows:
Nội dung |
Cú pháp tin nhắn gửi 8149 |
Cú pháp tin nhắn gửi 8149 |
Cú pháp tin nhắn gửi 8149 |
10,000 đồng
100,000 đồng
20,000 đồng
200,000 đồng
30,000 đồng
300,000 đồng
50,000 đồng
500,000 đồng
In addition to the form of recharging mobile phones using the VnTopup service by texting SMS to 8049 as above,
Customers can top up their mobile phones on Eximbank's Internet Banking or Mobile Banking, without needing to register for the service, just need to have Eximbank's Internet Banking or Mobile Banking.
4.1. Deposit money using Internet Banking:
- Customers log in to their Internet Banking account, top up their phone number or someone else's at: Payment/Top up phone number
- How to do it: Select payment account → Select denomination to deposit → Enter phone number → Click confirm
4.2. Top up using the app:
- Customers log in to their Mobile Banking account, top up their phone number or someone else's at: Payment/Top up phone number
- How to do it: Select payment account → Enter phone number → Select denomination to deposit → Click done
For more detailed information, please contact: Eximbank Customer Support Center: 18001199
Nearest Eximbank transaction points
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