Eximbank's announcement


Easily register by SMS to receive free text messages notifying you of savings balance changes

1. Service introduction
Service utilities: Eximbank will automatically send SMS messages to customers' mobile phone numbers, notifying the balance of term deposit and savings accounts, as soon as there is a fluctuation in deposits. withdrawal, allowing customers to control savings balances on each account and promptly detect unusual transactions.
2. Register and use the service
2.1. Register by sending SMS to switchboard 8149
 Registration is quick, simple, and easy within just a few seconds, only requiring a term deposit or savings account number.
 Compose a message with the syntax EIB TIETKIEM [Sotaikhoan] and send to 8149

 In which:
The phone number sending the message is registered with SMS Banking or has a phone number registered with Eximbank (in Cellular Phone No section, Custommer Summary screen), and
Account number is the customer's term deposit or savings account number that has not been registered for the service: 15 digits.

 The system automatically performs service registration for customers, sending feedback messages to customers upon successful registration:
Eximbank: Account xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of the Customer who is currently registered for payment. Notification Service BIEN DONG DOUBLE SCHEDULE. For details contact 18001199.

Instructions for registering services via SMS
2.2. Register at the nearest Eximbank Branches and Transaction Offices
• Customers bring their ID card when registering for services at Eximbank's transaction points.
3. Service fee: FREE for all customers who register to use the service.

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